12 Jan Mandy – Underground Shoot
This is the third and last set of photos taken the weekend of Jan. 2nd and 3rd. Mandy and I decided on a very cool spot for our shoot, an underground location in Bellingham, WA. It was not a heated space, so it was as cold as it was outside. And yes, if you recall, it was snowing everyday that week, so it was in the 30’s where we were shooting. Mandy did a great job posing even though she was most likely going into shock from hypothermia. 🙂
We shot a few photos at this location for Jolaina’s shoot for her senior pics. I thought it would be great for a themed shoot and to get a lot more creative with the space. Given the old, dusty, brick setting, Mandy had a great idea to do a vampire theme. Since it was going to be a very dark and fitting setting for such a theme, we went for it. And by viewing the gallery, you will most likely agree it fit right in.
There were some extremely unique spots here, like the sliding gate-door thing you’ll see in many shots. Mixing in some fog gave some shots a great feel and achieved the overall look we were going for. All of Mandy’s proofs could be look equally cool in B&W, but I loved the colors too much to rob the pictures of the rich tones we captured.