30 Jun New Projects, New Toys
The blog has been quiet for a week or so, and for good reason. I’m currently conceptualizing a large-scale photography project. It will involve the community, creating inspiring pictures, and best of all, it’ll cost you, the ones getting your photo taken, absolutely nothing. More to come on that once I have it all polished off. Keep checking back for more info on this as well as a signup form to get in line to participate in this free project.
I got a new toy a couple weeks ago when Apple updated their line of Macbook Pros. Up until now I have only had my 24″ iMac at home to editing my photos. It’s great and all, and it is definitely the preferred machine for my creative work, with that beautiful 24″ screen, however, I can’t take it with me. Enter the MacBook Pro. Having the ability to view, edit, and export my photographs before I’ve even left the shoot location is awesome, all with the style, speed, and power the Apple system and software allows. This thing is literally a full-powered mobile editing studio (I opted for the beefy model). I love the fact that when I’m struck by a creative bolt of lightning I can just open this thing up where ever I’m at and have every single tool I use at home on my iMac right in my lap (this thing doesn’t leave my side). Hopefully the new computer edition will allow me to get a little more consistent on my blog as well (crossing fingers).