Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!


So I couldn’t resist, I just had to share the above picture with you all. Meet Tobi and Coal, the furry brothers that continually keep me entertained at home. The night we forced them to wear these ridiculous hats just happened to be a tad more entertaining.

They are about 8 months old, still kittens, and very very active cats. They were less than amused by the hats. The second we slapped them on they were squirming and scratching to get them off like they were on fire. Animal photography is hard enough, but with an annoyed animal forced to wear a hat and popping them with four lights… you can crank up the difficulty meter a few more notches. Shot them on the white seamless, only got about 60 seconds of shooting with each one before they gave me the finger and jumped off the set.

The hats fit each cat’s character perfectly. Tobi, sporting the jester getup, is super goofy. Not a care in the world, lazy, you can just push him over and he’ll just lay where he falls, expecting to get petted. Coal, rockin’ the devil horns, is the quiet, methodical one. You can look at him and see him thinking, very particular. Crazy that they are brothers, they don’t look or act anything alike. They make a perfect contrast and are great lap warmers.

Happy Halloween!