13 May My Chief Editor
Wow, it’s almost been a month since my last post, I’m so sorry! My chief editor, Coal (pictured above) has been riding me like crazy to get him some new work to approve for the blog. The good news is that I have plenty of it, I just haven’t found time to get some posts up for you guys. This is one of Coal’s favorite spots to sit and criticize my work, frequently taking over and just hitting the delete key as we are going through shoots. Can’t really argue with the guy, he’s got the talented eye.
The post work has been a monster as of late, working full weekend-long events. A couple thousand pictures stack up on you before you know it and the post work gets a little overwhelming at times. But thanks to Coal crackin’ the whip, things are getting done around here. Lots of good pictures coming your way, along with some fun stories.