Beginner Workshop – Day 2

Beginner Workshop – Day 2

The second and final day of the very first beginner workshop has come and gone. The weekend went by SO fast, just whizzed right on by! Lots of information, lots of shooting, and a lot of laughs and smiles through it all. Today was a lot more applying all of the photography knowledge and techniques the students learned from the day before. Example above, Bailey, the brave soul answering my volunteer call for a subject to use for lighting examples. With getting exposure knowledge and techniques all squared away yesterday, the students got a taste of light and how important it is to our composition, and were able to apply everything learned yesterday to refine their photography with light techniques today.

If you are interested in learning about photography from the beginning, or would like to up your game with an advanced class, please take a minute to look over the Matty Photography Workshops site!

I’ll be seeing some of the students’ photos from the workshop soon, and I’ll be sure to share some with you guys!

A huge thanks to those who helped with the workshop in one form or another: Andy Lahmann (video), James Bretz (sound), Kent Loomer (gear), and the Fairhaven Village Inn for hosting the workshop in their meeting room.
