19 Oct 2012 Smokin’ Hot Espresso Calendar Is Well Underway
The Smokin’ Hot Espresso calendar is going to make it’s return after missing this year. We are halfway through production, as we are spending a lot of time on each month’s shoot. It’s gonna blow the first calendar project we did out of the water. I get more and more excited about the calendar with every shoot we complete and I see the photos roll off the camera. These photos, of course, are about the girls, however, we’ve really done our homework this time around, and all of the themes and locations we are shooting in are so much fun. It’s not just about the girls, it’s the content matter they are involved in that makes it different. That’s what makes it fun for me, really integrating the subjects into the environment I’m capturing them, both being just as visually engaging. I’ve posted a few screenshots from some of the BTS video captured, I can’t post too much, as we want the calendar to be a pretty cool surprise. Be on the lookout for more info on this soon, the calendar is dropping late November.

A peak at some of the fun you’ll be seeing soon.