09 Nov Blog Turns 4!
Uh. Hmmm. I uh… I don’t know how to say this, Blog, but I forgot your birthday (Oct 24th). This is awkward.
Things are speeding along steadily, and I’m so glad this blog is here to show at least a little bit of what has transpired over the last four years. About once a year, I will jog through the blog history and revisit some photo shoots that I’ve completely forgotten about. It’s becoming quite the beast of content, with just shy of 300 posts. Truth be told, I at times feel like I’ve been running this business for decades, and other times it feels like the wild journey started just a few weeks ago. I’ve been shooting for well over 7 years now and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t love it. I have definitely found a career that keeps me on my toes, pushes me, and bring a lot of joy to my life. My goal is to keep this blog going along, sharing stories, photos, and even some tips and other goodies for other photography addicts out there. I wonder how long “blogging” will be around. I guess we’ll find out! Much, much more to come to the blog, especially in this month of November. As the photo above hints at, the new studio is finally finally going to be here!