10 Jan Something Sexier Coming Soon
The studio is officially opening up this Friday and we kicked things off with a great shoot. The lovely lady you see pictured here is Myrriah. She’s been a popular subject to sit in front of my lens over the years, and I couldn’t think of a better person to help me christen the new studio with. Sure, I’ve done a couple smaller shoots in the studio already, but this was the first one where we spent a couple hours making some solid images, did the whole hair and makeup thing, etc. To tell you the truth, this was the warm-up lap for a new service I’ll soon be offering my clients, and I’m pretty excited about it. It’ll not only cater to women, but men and couples as well. I can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet, but I think you’ll all like it.
So, here we go. Myrriah and I spent a couple hours here in the studio, running through just a very small selection of all the options my new studio has to offer. This really is just the very tippy top of the ice burg. Everything from dark and moody to super soft and happy, I can serve up just about any kind of situation at my joint. We didn’t even get into utilizing any of the features of the studio itself, like the spiral staircase.
Enjoy the photos, and keep an eye on the website for the release of the new service and all the details!