Baby Ben – 10 days young

Baby Ben – 10 days young


This sweet little 8 lb 1 oz, 20-inch long blessing was in the studio and we couldn’t get enough. I always ask parents if I can keep their babies after I’ve fallen in love with them, having spent the last few hours with them, but nobody has taken me up on it yet. I can’t understand why. 🙂


Little Benjamin was only ten days old for his first photo shoot and was such a trooper, as I switched hats, blankets, and lighting setups on him. Newborns are this perfect mix of tiny, fragile cuteness and at the same time they are surprisingly flexible and pliable. Ben obviously likes to spread out and be comfy because as soon as I could pose him, he would slowly slip out of form and flop arms open wide. We had a conversation about it and then he started to keep feet tucked and fingers crossed.



Safety is everything on a newborn/baby shoot and whoever is assisting, and sometimes mom/dad, are always just out of frame. At one point I had to adjust Ben and I asked mom to put her hands on him for a moment.  When I picked the camera back up I snapped a few of this beautiful moment of a new mother comforting the new little man in her life, along with the symbol of love on her finger from other man in her life. It was so perfect that later on I asked both parents to place their hands over their baby boy. Both mom and dad are nurses so not only is Ben adored beyond measure, he is going to be very well cared for.
Newborn shoots can be long, hot and sometimes messy, but they are also so much fun and bring me a lot of joy. This little guy was so well-behaved and gets the award for no accidents. Bravo Ben! Thank you to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa for being apart of this experience and letting me capture your beautiful baby.